Where and How to Brew Potions in Hogwarts Legacy

Where and How to Brew Potions in Hogwarts Legacy

Andrew 1 year ago

Potions are a fairly important aspect of Hogwarts Legacy, with the Wiggenweld Potion in particular being very important for your survival during more difficult encounters. 

Your professors will sometimes task you with brewing and drinking some of these potions too, so its definitely a good idea to get familiar with how to brew potions. 

This guide will walk you through where and how to brew potions in Hogwarts Legacy. 

Where to Brew Potions in Hogwarts Legacy

Fairly early on in the game, you'll go to Potions Class. Without giving any spoilers about the specifics of that quest, once you have completed it, you'll be able to return to the Potions Classroom at any time to brew potions as you need. 

For a while this will be the only location in which you can brew potions - and that's fine, you don't technically need another one and you could use the Potions Classroom for the entire game if you wanted to. There is another location that allows for more options though, but we'll go over that later in the guide. 

Where to Brew Potions in Hogwarts Legacy
Where to Brew Potions in Hogwarts Legacy

First of all, let's go over how to brew potions, from start to finish. 

How to Brew Potions in Hogwarts Legacy

While there are quite a few different potions you can brew in Hogwarts Legacy, we'll stick to the example of the Wiggenweld Potion in this guide, as its both the simplest potion to brew and also the most important potion - you'll probably want to carry around a lot of it so you can heal yourself in tricky combat situations. 

There are two types of potion ingredients in Hogwarts Legacy - some ingredients can be grown by the player in pots, and others can only be found in the world, either by harvesting them from a node or by defeating a particular type of enemy. Both types can also be purchased from vendors in places like Hogsmeade, making for a quicker but more expensive way of obtaining the ingredients you need. 

For the Wiggenweld Potion, you probably won't need to buy any ingredients at all. This potion needs Dittany and Horklump Juice. Very early on in the game you'll be taught how to grow Dittany, and Horklump Juice is also very plentiful, especially in caves and other rocky areas. 

To grow more Dittany, you simply need to return to the Herbology Classroom after completing the first Herbology Class - here you'll have access to a small plant pot which you can use to grow small plants like Dittany and Mandrake. For other potions that need larger plants you'll need to gain access to a larger plant pot. Check out our guide about growing Fluxweed if you want to learn how to do that. 

How to Brew Potions in Hogwarts Legacy
How to Brew Potions in Hogwarts Legacy

Anyway, once you have obtained the required ingredients, simply proceed to the Potions Station of your choice to brew the potions. Choose the potion that you want to brew. The required ingredients will then be consumed, and there will be a fairly short timer while the potion brews. For Wiggenweld, this timer is only 15 seconds, but more complex potions have longer brewing times, up to 90 seconds for some of them. 

How to Brew Wiggenweld Potion in Hogwarts Legacy
How to Brew Wiggenweld Potion in Hogwarts Legacy

Next we'll talk about some tips for getting the most out of the potion brewing system in Hogwarts Legacy

Advanced Potion Brewing Tips for Hogwarts Legacy

Please note that this section of the guide contains some spoilers about the Room of Requirement. If you've not yet reached that point in the game and don't want to be spoiled about what the room is and how it works, then you may want to return to this page when you have unlocked the room. 

The Room of Requirement allows us to significantly increase the speed at which we can brew potions. This is because it allows us to set up several potion stations next to each other, so instead of being forced to wait for the timer to elapse in full for each and every potion, we can instead have several potions on the go at once, rotating between the stations to collect the results and restart the process as many times as you need. This can considerably speed up the potion brewing process and save you a lot of time. 

How to brew multiple potions at once in Hogwarts Legacy
How to brew multiple potions at once in Hogwarts Legacy

There's another item you can get that makes this principle even more efficient - you can head to Tomes and Scrolls in Hogsmeade and pick up a Spellcraft for a T-Shaped potion Station.

Visit Tomes and Scrolls to buy more advanced potion stations
Visit Tomes and Scrolls to buy more advanced potion stations

This station is only a little larger than a normal potion station, but comes with three slots for potions, so putting some of these in the Room of Requirement can save on space and allow you to brew a crazy amount of potions very quickly. 

T-Shaped Potion Station in Hogwarts Legacy
T-Shaped Potion Station in Hogwarts Legacy

Finally, there is the Hopping Pot, a special type of potion station that will produce a random potion every 15 minutes, regardless of what ingredients you have available. This can give you a nice surprise each time you visit the Room of Requirement, potentially providing you with a more advanced potion like Thunderbrew. The Spellcraft for the Hopping Pot can be purchased from Tomes and Scrolls in Hogsmeade - it costs 3,000 gold though, so it is fairly pricey. 

Hopping Pot in Hogwarts Legacy
Hopping Pot in Hogwarts Legacy

We hope you liked this guide about Potions in Hogwarts Legacy