Top Five Most Powerful Spells in Hogwarts Legacy
While Hogwarts Legacy has quite a few different spells that you can learn, there are definitely some that are considerably more powerful than others.
Today we'll look at the five spells that we think are strongest from a combat perspective. We'll only be including the spells that you can learn and then slot on your spell bar - "essential spells" such as Protego, Stupefy and Petrificus Totalus aren't eligible for this list!
Don't worry if your favorite spell isn't here - this is purely for fun and there's always a lot to be said for one's personal taste and playstyle when it comes to choosing the best of anything.
5 - Confringo
Confringo is the second damage-focused spell that you learn in Hogwarts Legacy. In a sense it is similar to Incendio - both are fire based spells that will set targets alight. However Confringo has the advantage of much longer range.
You can also upgrade Confringo with the Talents system to "bounce" small fireballs to additional targets, setting them on fire too, which is great for debuffing a lot of enemies at once. This effect can also ignite flammable red barrels, potentially dealing huge damage to many enemies at once.
Confringo makes the list because it's very versatile and works well in pretty much any situation - you can keep using it right up until the end of the game - it's nothing super special but it does the job and it never let me down.

4 - Bombarda
Bombarda is a damage-focused spell that is learned much later on in the game. Casting Bombarda will cause an explosion at the target location, dishing out significant damage which can be further enhanced with Talents.
If you prefer a more "aggressive" playstyle focused primarily on damage spells with less use of force and control spells, then Bombarda is especially important as it gives you a way to stun opponents that fits into this playstyle - explosions tend to be quite disruptive.
Luckily you can't blow yourself up with Bombarda, so you're fine to cast it even at melee targets who are very close to you.

3 - Transformation
Transformation is a bit of a strange spell in the sense that the developers couldn't seem to decide on an incantation - it seems that Transformation is actually an umbrella term for several transfiguration spells that are lumped together into one spell as far as the game is concerned.
On its own, Transformation isn't super powerful. You'll definitely want to upgrade it with the Talents system to unlock its true potential. When upgraded, Transformation is able to turn an enemy into an explosive red barrel, which allows you to follow up with high damage explosions when the spell is used correctly.
This does require a bit of strategy and positional awareness of enemies to pull off reliably, but in good hands Transformation can definitely help you to make short work of groups of enemies.

2 - Avada Kedavra
You might have expected the Killing Curse to be at number one - after all it is capable of one-shotting almost any enemy in the game.
The main limitation with this spell is its very long cooldown, which is of course necessary for obvious balance reasons.
You can get the Avada Kedavra Mastery Talent which causes the spell's effect to spread to all nearby cursed enemies, potentially one-shotting huge groups of enemies with just one cast, however you first need to curse those enemies with other spells for this to work. Avada Kedavra cannot do that on its own, and that's the reason that we ranked it only in second spot.
It's definitely a powerful spell and lets you make short work of otherwise lengthy encounters, but to get the most out of the spell you really need to also have the number one spell on our list...

1 - Crucio
When I first got my hands on this spell, I wasn't expecting much from it at all. I expected a lengthy stun effect with some mediocre damage-over-time, and that is basically what you get to begin with.
However, upgrading the spell with the Crucio Mastery talent completely transforms it into what I can only describe as a Dark Magic Engine.
When an enemy is afflicted with the upgraded version of Crucio, any other spells that hit them will also launch a cursed projectile at one of their friends, landing a curse on them too. This allows you to very rapidly curse an entire group of enemies, allowing you to effortlessly deal damage to every enemy at once (provided you also have the Blood Curse talent).

And then once you get your hands on Avada Kedavra, you can upgrade that spell and then use the trick mentioned above to easily dispatch groups of enemies.
The actual damage output of Crucio really isn't that strong by itself, but the upgraded version of Crucio unlocks powerful and very satisfying playstyles that would otherwise be quite finicky to pull off.

We hope you liked this article about spells in Hogwarts Legacy.