Hogwarts Legacy Spell List

Hogwarts Legacy Spell List

Andrew 2 years ago

This guide will list all of the available spells in Hogwarts Legacy, along with images for how each spell looks when used, and where you can unlock the spell. The spells are divided into sections for each type of spell. 

Essential Spells

Essential spells are different to other spells, since they do not need to be slotted and are instead used by pressing a particular key/button in combat or interacting with the object that they relate to. 

Basic Cast

This is the only spell that you will have access to at the beginning of the game. It launches a projectile at the targeted enemy, dealing a modest amount of damage to enemies and objects. 

Basic Cast Spell in Hogwarts Legacy
Basic Cast Spell in Hogwarts Legacy


Revelio can be cast almost at any time after learning it. It highlights objects in the world that you can interact with, and is useful for seeing loot from a distance or through walls, seeing enemies that are otherwise out of sight, or for helping to solve puzzles. 

Unlocked in the Path to Hogwarts quest.

Revelio Spell in Hogwarts Legacy
Revelio Spell in Hogwarts Legacy


Protego is a defensive shield that lasts for a couple of seconds and can block most melee and magical attacks. Activating Protego just before you are hit will turn the spell into a "Perfect Protego", reflecting spells back to their attacker and damaging melee assailants. 

Unlocked in the Path to Hogwarts Quest.

Protego Spell in Hogwarts Legacy
Protego Spell in Hogwarts Legacy


Holding down the Protego button after blocking an attack will cause your character to counter-attack with the Stupefy spell, stunning them for a time. This does not do any damage by default, but you can upgrade Stupefy with Talents to cause it to deal some damage. 

Unlocked in the Path to Hogwarts Quest.

Stupefy Spell in Hogwarts Legacy
Stupefy Spell in Hogwarts Legacy

Ancient Magic Throw

Pressing the keybind for Ancient Magic Throw in combat will cause you to throw a heavy object at an enemy, knocking them back and dealing heavy damage. It will also break through enemy shield charms. Note that this spell won't work if there are no suitable objects nearby to throw. 

Unlocked in the Welcome to Hogsmeade Quest. 

Ancient Magic

Consume one bar of your Ancient Magic meter to cast a devastating Ancient Magic attack that will break through shield charms. This spell will one-shot kill most weaker enemies and can even stun bosses. You cannot be targeted by enemies while casting this spell. 

Unlocked in the Welcome to Hogsmeade Quest.

Ancient Magic Spell in Hogwarts Legacy
Ancient Magic Spell in Hogwarts Legacy


Alohomora can be used to open locked doors and chests. You'll gain access to this spell some way into the game, and then be presented with subsequent opportunities to improve it. This is because locks in the game have a level - one, two or three. The first version of Alohomora you get can only open level one locks. 

Unlocked in The Caretaker's Lunar Lament Quest.

Petrificus Totalus

This is a stealth-focused spell that can only be used at short range. When sneaking up behind enemies, you'll be prompted to cast the spell, which will permanently knock weaker enemies out of action. More powerful enemies will only be stunned by this for a short time though, so be careful.

Unlocked in the Percival Rackham's Trial Quest.

Control Spells

Control spells are used to stun enemies or slow down their movements, and can also be used to solve some puzzles in Hogwarts Legacy. 

Arresto Momentum

Slows down objects and enemies, giving you extra time to plan your next move or get some distance between yourself and melee-focused enemies. 

Unlocked in Madam Kogawa's Assignment 2.

Arresto Momentum spell in Hogwarts Legacy
Arresto Momentum spell in Hogwarts Legacy


Glacius will freeze enemies, and increase the damage they take from subsequent attacks. 

Unlocked in Madam Kogawa's Assignment 1.

Glacius Spell in Hogwarts Legacy
Glacius Spell in Hogwarts Legacy


Levioso can be used to levitate objects and enemies into the air for a few seconds, which is useful for solving puzzles and leaving enemies helpless to block your attacks or retaliate against them. 

Unlocked in Defence Against the Dark Arts Class Quest.

Levioso Spell in Hogwarts Legacy
Levioso Spell in Hogwarts Legacy


Transforms objects and enemies into harmless forms, whether puzzle solutions or harmless knickknacks. 

Unlocked in Professor Weasley's Assignment.

Transformation Spell in Hogwarts Legacy
Transformation Spell in Hogwarts Legacy

Force Spells

Force spells are used to move objects and enemies around, and are great for controlling the distance between yourself and enemies in combat.


Accio can be used to pull enemies and objects towards you. Most enemies pulled with Accio will be left floating in the air for a few seconds, leaving them helpless. Accio is also an important spell for solving many puzzles in Hogwarts Legacy, and can be used to retrieve collectibles such as Field Guide Pages, as well as many quest items in the game. 

Unlocked in Charms Class Quest.

Accio Spell in Hogwarts Legacy
Accio Spell in Hogwarts Legacy


Depulso is basically the opposite of Accio - it will forcefully push objects and enemies away from you. It can also be used to break down obstacles that a Basic Cast wouldn't be strong enough to break. 

Unlocked in Professor Sharp's Assignment 1.

Depulso Spell in Hogwarts Legacy
Depulso Spell in Hogwarts Legacy


Descendo can be used to violently slam enemies to the ground. This doesn't do any damage on its own, but slamming an enemy who was previously levitating or flying will do considerable impact damage. 

Unlocked in Professor Onai's Assignment.

Descendo spell in Hogwarts Legacy
Descendo spell in Hogwarts Legacy


Flipendo is a force spell with a short cooldown, making it useful for controlling enemies and for setting up or extending juggles. Casting it will flip enemies upside down and cause them to spin around while floating. It can also be used in some puzzles. 

Unlocked in Professor Garlick's Assignment 2.

Flipendo Spell in Hogwarts Legacy
Flipendo Spell in Hogwarts Legacy

Damage Spells

Damage spells refers to a variety of different spells that can be used to dish out damage to enemies in certain ways, however it does not include the Unforgivable Curses. 


A long-range damage spell, Confringo deals considerable fire damage to enemies. Enemies who are burning will continue to take extra damage for a few seconds. 

Unlocked from the In the Shadow of the Undercroft quest.

Confringo spell in Hogwarts Legacy
Confringo spell in Hogwarts Legacy


Slashes objects and enemies from afar, dealing considerable damage. This spell can be a bit inaccurate at longer ranges and requires a clear line of sight, or else it tends to miss. 

Unlocked in Professor Sharp's Assignment 2.

Diffindo spell in Hogwarts Legacy
Diffindo spell in Hogwarts Legacy


Expelliarmus will disarm most enemies, causing them to temporarily drop their wand or weapon, however powerful enemies such as bosses or large monsters are immune to this effect. Expelliarmus will also deal some damage to enemies, regardless of whether they had a weapon or if they resisted the disarm effect. 

Unlocked in Professor Hecat's Assignment 2.

Expelliarmus spell in Hogwarts Legacy
Expelliarmus spell in Hogwarts Legacy


Deals heavy damage on impact, and causes an explosive shockwave that can also damage nearby enemies. Bombarda can also be used to destroy heavy obstacles. 

Unlocked in Professor Howin's Assignment.

Bombarda Spell in Hogwarts Legacy
Bombarda Spell in Hogwarts Legacy


Incendio is a fire spell that sets enemies alight and deals considerable damage. However it is limited by its very short range. It works best if your playstyle makes heavy use of Accio to pull enemies close to you. If you find yourself fighting at long range most of the time, then you're probably better off using Confringo instead. 

Unlocked in Professor Hecat's Assignment 1.

Incendio Spell in Hogwarts Legacy
Incendio Spell in Hogwarts Legacy

Utility Spells

Utility spells is a bit of a catch-all term for spells that are not used in combat but fulfil a variety of other purposes. Some of these can be used in puzzles, while others serve very specific purposes.


Disillusionment is a stealth spell that turns your character mostly invisible. If you get too close to enemies or make too much noise, then they can still find you when you are using this spell. It is useful if you want to avoid a particularly hard fight, or simply prefer sneaking around and avoiding combat when possible. 

Unlocked in Secrets of the Restricted Section quest.

Disillusionment Spell in Hogwarts Legacy
Disillusionment Spell in Hogwarts Legacy


Lumos is a charm which allows you to see in dark areas. It can also be used to solve puzzles that require light, or dispel environmental hazards that are averse to bright light, such as the Devil's Snare plant.

Unlocked in Path to Hogwarts quest.

Lumos spell in Hogwarts Legacy
Lumos spell in Hogwarts Legacy


Reparo lets you repair broken objects in the game world. It is mainly used to progress certain quests or solve puzzles for a reward. 

Unlocked in Professor Ronen's Assignment.

Wingardium Leviosa 

Can be used to levitate a moveable object, offering more control than spells like Ascendo and Accio would. Useful for solving more advanced puzzles later in the game. 

Unlocked in Professor Garlick's Assignment 1.

Transfiguration Spells

Transfiguration spells are only used in the Room of Requirement, and are mainly used for customizing the space to your liking. 

Conjuring Spell

The conjuring spell can be used to create a new object in the Room of Requirement. This requires a material - usually moonstone. To gain the ability to conjure more objects, you'll need to buy or find the Spellcraft associated with that object. 

Unlocked in The Room of Requirement quest.

Altering Spell

Alters the Physical form of objects conjured in the Room of Requirement. You can use this to reposition objects you already conjured, as well as edit their style, size, rotation and colour. 

Unlocked in The Room of Requirement quest.


Evanesco is also known as the Vanishing Charm, and can be used to remove objects in the Room of Requirement that you no longer want, refunding the resources that were spent to make them. 

Unlocked in The Room of Requirement quest.

Unforgivable Curses

Unforgivable Curses are very powerful Dark Magic curses. Due to their nature, you might want to progress through the game without even learning or using these spells at all. However they are available if you do decide that you want to use them. 

Avada Kedavra

Also known as the Killing Curse, this is the most powerful Unforgivable Curse, can be used to instantly kill an enemy. 

Unlocked in the In the Shadow of the Relic quest.

Avada Kedavra Spell in Hogwarts Legacy
Avada Kedavra Spell in Hogwarts Legacy


Also known as the Cruciatus Curse or the Torture Curse, Crucio stuns an enemy for a long time, deals damage over time to them, and curses them causing them to take extra damage from other attacks. You can also upgrade Crucio with talents, causing enemies cursed by Crucio to spread their cursed status to nearby enemies when they're hit by subsequent attacks. This option makes Crucio very powerful for empowering your offensive capabilities, if you choose to pursue a playstyle centered around Dark Magic. 

Unlocked in the In the Shadow of the Study quest.

Crucio Spell in Hogwarts Legacy
Crucio Spell in Hogwarts Legacy


Imperio allows you to dominate the mind of an enemy, temporarily forcing them to fight as if they were your companion. Enemies cursed by Imperio will take reduced damage from other enemies to prolong their allegiance to you, however they will receive the Cursed status, allowing you to deal extra damage to them yourself. 

Unlocked in the In the Shadow of Time quest.

Imperio Spell in Hogwarts Legacy
Imperio Spell in Hogwarts Legacy

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