How to Open the Eye Chests in Hogwarts Legacy
As you explore in Hogwarts Legacy, you will sooner or later encounter a special type of chest that you seemingly cannot open. These chests are enchanted and have an eye on them that watches for any potential looters. If you approach, the eye will get "angry" and the chest will lock itself shut. You aren't able to use the Alohomora spell to unlock these chests either, attacking the eye has no effect, and there are no keys to be found. So how exactly can we open them?
It's actually quite easy to open the eye chests in Hogwarts Legacy, here we will explain how to do it.
How to open the eye chests
In order to open the chests, you first need one particular spell: Disillusionment. You don't have this spell at the beginning of the game, but you unlock it pretty early on in the story, so if you don't have it yet then don't worry, just keep doing the quests and you'll soon learn it.

The eye chests watch for anyone who approaches them, and if they spot you they will lock themselves shut. However, the Disillusionment spell makes you more or less invisible, so after casting this on yourself, you'll be able to approach the chest and simply loot it as if it were any normal chest.
These chests are somewhat rare, but they tend to have better quality loot than other types of chests, so it is definitely worth opening them whenever you see one. Remember that you can also use the Revelio spell as you explore to reveal hidden chests that you might otherwise have missed.

We hope you liked this guide on opening eye chests in Hogwarts Legacy.