Where To Get Mandrakes in Hogwarts Legacy
In Hogwarts Legacy you will be required to complete quite a few different assignments. These are small challenges that are prerequisites for being taught a particular spell by one of the Hogwarts Professors.
In one of these challenges, you need to obtain a Mandrake and use it against enemies. However while we are introduced to Mandrakes in Professor Garlick's class, we don't automatically get given the ability to grow them ourselves.
There are two main ways to obtain Mandrakes, in this short guide we will cover both of these methods.
Method 1: Buy the Mandrakes
If you just want to quickly get a Mandrake to complete the assignment and aren't too interested in actually using them, then this might be the best method for you.
There's a shop on the edge of Hogsmeade that's quite easy to miss, as it's quite far away from the rest of the buildings in the village. This shop is called the Dogweed and Deathcap, and is described as being a plant shop for all sorts of magical flora and seeds.

This is the place we need to go to find our Mandrake. Simply fast travel to Hogsmeade, go to the shop and purchase a Mandrake. They do cost a fair amount of money, but you should be able to make some fairly easily by exploring and selling gear that you don't need anymore.

Method 2: Grow the Mandrakes Yourself
In the short term, this is the more expensive method, however if you think you might want to use Mandrakes more in the future, then it will end up being much more cost effective than buying a Mandrake each time you want one.
We start off at the same place as in the first method - at the Dogweed and Deathcap in Hogsmeade. This shop also sells Mandrake Seeds. Seeds are not a consumable item but rather a collectible, meaning once you have purchased the seeds they will never run out and can be used to grow as many plants as you want of that type.
Go ahead and purchase the Mandrake Seeds. We will then need to grow the Mandrake. Depending on how far through the game you have progressed, there are a couple of places where we can grow the Mandrakes.
Luckily, the Mandrake only needs a small pot, so we don't need to obtain any additional items in order to grow it. You can head to Professor Garlick's classroom where you have been given one small pot to make use of. Alternatively, if you've unlocked the Room of Requirement, you can grow it there instead.

Interact with the potting table, remove the plant that was previously growing there if there is one, then select the Mandrake seeds from the potting menu in order to plant one. We will then need to wait for 10 minutes for our Mandrake to be ready. You can either wait around in the area or go and do some exploration or another quest to pass the time, and when you come back your Mandrake will probably be ready. Unfortunately advancing time via the Map doesn't seem to accelerate the growth timer on plants at all, so you can't speed it up like that.
When the timer has completed, simply interact with the Potting Table again to harvest your Mandrake. Another one will automatically be planted, so you can either leave it to grow or remove it and choose to pot something else before leaving.

If you chose this method, then you can now have a steady supply of as many Mandrakes as you want.
We hope you liked this Mandrake guide for Hogwarts Legacy.