Powerful Zealot Preacher Build for Darktide - Hammer Time - Warhammer 40k
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Today we are going to take a look at a strong Zealot Preacher Build for Warhammer 40,000: Darktide. The build has great melee capabilities and is good at mid range combat. The build also allows to stun enemies, especially useful when hordes are approaching.
Other Builds: Ogryn Build, Psyker Build, Sharpshooter Build
Zealot Preacher Abilities and Passives
To be an effective Zealot Preacher you need to learn when to use your Stumm Grenade and when to go into melee to delete bigger enemies such as Elites in Darktide.
- Chastise The Wicked (Ultimate) - The Preacher dashes forward or towards a targeted enemy and replenishes all toughness. It also increases the damage of the next melee hit by 25% and making it a guaranteed critical hit.
- Stumm Grenade (Ability) - Throw a Stumm Grenade that stuns all enemies within its blast radius.
- The Emperor's Will (Passive) - +10% Toughness damage reduction (Allies on Coherency).
- Swift Exorcism (Passive) - +10% Melee Attack Speed.
- Martyrdom (Passive) - +5% damage for each 15 missing health. Max 3 stacks.
- Until Death (Passive) - Gain invulnerability from damage that would kill you. 90 seconds cooldown.
Especially the passive Until Death is great since it gives you another opportunity at survival, the only downside to it is that it has a 90 seconds cooldown. Of course the Stumm Grenade is also amazing since it pretty much stuns all enemies for a few seconds. This gives you enough time to cleave through the hordes of monsters.

What Talents should you use as a Zealot Preacher
Like with any class, selecting the correct Talents is key to success, especially on higher difficulties. Of course selecting Talents always depends on your choice of build in Darktide. Lets take a look at the Talents that we picked for this Zealot Build:
- Lvl 5 - Enemies Within, Enemies Without
- Lvl 10 - Zealous Rage
- Lvl 15 - Benediction
- Lvl 20 - Faith Restores All
- Lvl 25 - Rising Conviction
- Lvl 30 - Purge The Wicked
Lots of Talents that we selected resolve around Toughness, because it is important to always have a way to recover it as well as an escape mechanic with the Zealot ultimate.
Enemies Within, Enemies Without - Level 5
Replenish 7% Toughness per second while within 8 meters of any enemies. This Talent is great, all you have to do is stay within 8 meters of enemies, which isn't hard. As long as you are close you will constantly regenerate Toughness, which is important.
Zealous Rage - Level 10
+10% Melee Critical Chance. This Talent gives you a lot of additional critical chance.
Benediction - Level 15
+20% Toughness damage reduction (allies in Coherency). 20% extra Toughness damage reduction is nice, especially in combination with the level 5 Enemies Within, Enemies Without Talent.
Faith Restores All - Level 20
After taking damage you regain 30% of the damage taken over 5 seconds as health. This is the single best Talent for the Zealot. Basically a heal over time. That means we have constant Toughness and Health regeneration on the Zealot Preacher.
Rising Conviction - Level 25
+5% Damage for 5 seconds on hit. Max stacks 5. This Talent allows you to have 25% more overall damage on enemies as long as you keep hitting things.
Purge The Wicked - Level 30
Chastise The Wicked now has two charges. We use the ultimate Chastise The Wicked only when we are in tight situations and need to relocate. And when we have two charges that makes it even easier to use in situations which are a bit longer than others, especially closer to the end of levels.
How to play the Zealot Preacher Build
With this Zealot Preacher Build for Darktide you want to be as close to the enemy as possible. You deal great melee damage and have constant health and Toughnes regen. Remember that the Talent Enemies Within, Enemies Without keeps regenerating Toughness as long as you stay close to enemies. You also take less damage on Toughness thanks to the Benediction Talent and the The Emperor's Will passive.
While you are clapping enemies in melee range you also get stronger up to a maximum of 25% more damage thanks to the Faith Restores All Talent.
Your health is also constantly regenerating because of the Faith Restores All Talent as long as you take some damage.
Always use your Stumm Grenade which stuns enemies for a few seconds in tight situations. Also make sure to not throw the Stumm Grenade at the same time as the Sharpshooter its Frag Grenade, that would be a waste.
Only use the ultimate Chastise The Wicked in tight situations where you take too much damage. It is basically your "oh crap" button. And because of the Purge The Wicked Talent we can use it twice. Tip: Make sure to not aim towards a cliff, it won't end well for you.
Weapons for the Zealot Preacher Build
The Zealot Preacher Build for Darktide can use several weapons. For this build we are using a Thunderhammer for our melee weapon and a Shotgun for mid ranged combat. The Thunderhammer deals insane damage in melee and its heavy attack is really devastating, whereas the Shotgun is used for mid range combat where you might want to take out enemies with Lasguns.
Zealot Preacher Melee Weapon
The Thunder Hammer is an exclusive weapon that only the Zealot Preacher can use in Warhammer 40,000: Darktide. You can use any Thunder Hammer you find, it doesn't have to be the weapon below, as long as its an hammer you are good to go. When you hit an enemy with a heavy attack it also discharges lightning.

Zealot Preacher Ranged Weapon
We are using a Auto Shotgun as our ranged weapon for this Zealot Preacher Build for Darktide. We let the Sharpshooter and Pskyer take care of the enemies that are far away. We specialize in mid range and melee combat with this build. Therefore you want to make sure to bring an Auto Shotgun into the battle. Deals insane damage in close and mid range and has a total of 9 shots before you have to reload.

We hope you enjoyed the article about the Zealot Preacher Build for Darktide, Warhammer 40k. You can also leave a comment if you have any questions or tips for other Sharpshooters!