What does the "Worker Threads" setting do in the Darktide Launcher Settings

What does the "Worker Threads" setting do in the Darktide Launcher Settings

Alcast 1 year ago

When you open the launcher for Warhammer 40,000: Darktide and go to the settings you will notice that at the bottom you can find "Worker Threads". Now a lot of users wonder what this actually does and whether they should change it or not.

Worker Threads: How many CPU Cores/Threads Darktide uses while you are playing.

The more the better, right? No. 

In theory, more cores/threads should make the game run better. Because the game can utilize more cores/threads. However, even today it is hard to "Multi Thread" (use several cores) games. Not many gamers know that but a lot of games still run on only one core. 

But why? Getting games to use several cores can cause instabilities. Instabilities cause stutters and crashes. When games only run one core crashes and stutters are less likely. However, it will of course lower the overall performance slightly (fps etc). 

A few examples of differnet CPUs:

  • i9-9900k: 8 cores, 16 threads
  • i5-12400: 6 cores, 12 threads
  • AMD Ryzen 5 5600: 6 cores, 12 threads

How to fix Darktide Game Crashes with "Worker Threads".

A lot of players are reporting low fps, stutters or game crashes. We tried solving general issues in our "How to fix FPS Drops, Crashes and Stutters in Darktide" article, please visit that article for more advice.

Warhammer 40,000: Darktide will likely set the "Worker Threads" to a too high numbers. Therefore turning it down can already fix most of your crashes. If that still doesn't help turn the number down to one (1). Games only utilizing one core crash less. This can solve your issue, but like we just mentioned above it might not be the whole story, you can try more optimization fixes.

Darktide Launcher Settings
Darktide Launcher Settings
Worker Threads in the Darktide Launcher Settings
Worker Threads in the Darktide Launcher Settings

We hope this article might help you fix crashes and stutters. If it didn't fix crashes we do recommend turning the Worker Threads back up again to the amount of CPU cores your PC has to improve overall performance.