Is Temtem worth your time with the full release 1.0 now?

Is Temtem worth your time with the full release 1.0 now?

Alcast 1 year ago

Temtem is a Pokemon like massively multiplayer online monster catcher game from the studio Crema developed in Spain. The game has been in development for 3 years with early access and it is finally time to launch the 1.0 version. 

Do you want something similar to Pokemon but more in depth and more mature? 

Like with Pokemon, in Temtem you start out with three starter Pokemon, Houchic, Smazee and or Crystal.

Crystal, Smazee and or Houchic
Crystal, Smazee and or Houchic

Right now there are a total of six different Islands that you can discover and play on:

  • Tucma
  • Kisiwa
  • Cipanku
  • Arbury
  • Deniz
  • Omninesia

Temtem has a total of 164 different species that you can currently discover. Starting with #001 Mimit and ending with #164 Volgon. There are 12 different types:

  • Neutral
  • Fire
  • Water
  • Nature
  • Electric
  • Earth
  • Mental
  • Wind
  • Digital
  • Melee
  • Crystal
  • Toxic

Similar to Pokemon you also have some enemies to fight against. Your rival Max and the clan Belsoto, which is an enigmatic, evil organization operating throughout the Airborne Archipelago. They are basically the the same thing as Team Rocket in Pokemon.

Team Belsoto
Team Belsoto

What does Temtem do different to Pokemon?

Temtem is basically a Pokemon game in disguse. So what is actually different? Temtem has a different story, different setting, the themes and tones are different that you will encounter. You can also play the entire story in coop with a friend.

Temtem also feels a bit more "mature" than Pokemon. It is basically a game for players that grew up with Pokemon but kind of grew up and want something more "in depth".

The main story takes about 50 hours to complete. But that is not all, there is a ton of really good side quests that are worth your time. They also unlock new areas.

Two Temtem in combat
Two Temtem in combat

Now combat is really where you will notice a huge difference. There are no single one on one encounters in the game. Every fight is at least in a doubles format, even in PVP. And because of this battles are more difficult and in depth compared to Pokemon. That means you really need to know your way around in combat to truly be able to succeed.

And because there are always two Temtem in combat, there is also a system used with synergies. If you have the right Temtem on the field you can do a combo attack. This also means that you really have to be careful in picking teams. After all the you want to make sure that you can pull off combo attacks, because they are more powerful.

Combo attack
Combo attack

And because of all this Temtem is definitely way more complex compared to Pokemons simplified combat systems.

Temtem has a great Art Style and Beautiful Zones

Temtem has a very unique art style. All the zones that you will visit throughout your journey are really well polished and look amazing. The areas are also fun to explore and there is always something to do. Of course visuals are not always a top priority for certain players, but they certainly do matter.

The main takeaway point here is that Temtem managed to really make all the different islands unique. You don't travel to a new island and will get the feeling "have I been here?". 

Temtem Sculpture
Temtem Sculpture

Your Character and Cosmetics in Temtem

You can of course also style your own character. There are hundreds of cosmetics that you can collect in Temtem. You can customize pretty much anything and change the color as well. Of course if you just want to collect Temtem and don't care about your outfit, that is fine too.

Character Cosmetics
Character Cosmetics

The Design of Temtem Monsters

You might wonder how Temtem actually look like, let us give you a few exampes. The design of the Temtem definitely are really well thought through. In Pokemon we always get the feeling that the new Pokemon look more and more ridiculous because they seem to run out of ideas or time. 

Sherald Temtem
Sherald Temtem
Mudrid Temtem
Mudrid Temtem
Barnshe Temtem
Barnshe Temtem
Kinu Temtem
Kinu Temtem
Platypet Temtem
Platypet Temtem

And of course there are also very hilarious ones like the Grumper Temtem.

Grumper Temtem
Grumper Temtem

Can you breed and trade Temtem?

In Temtem you can also breed and trade Temtem, this is a crucial part for a MMO. This especially matters if you want to achieve really good Temtem stats. There is also an auction house where you can sell your eggs.

Temtem auction house
Temtem auction house

When you breed eggs, the females provide the desired endspecies and the males provides unique movesets. The great thing about this is that you can either try to breed your own perfect Temtem or just check out the auction house, for the right price you will find almost anything.

What long term content is there in Temtem?

Because Temtem is a MMO you might wonder what kind of endgame and long term content you can expect.

First off, there is a fast travel system and mounts that will make traveling around quite painless. So you don't get bored and have to spend running around for hours without actually doing any true content.

There is also a really cool sticker collection mini game. You can collect and trade these stickers to complete your sticker book.

StickTem Album
StickTem Album

And of course there is also a fishing mini game in Temtem. You can go to a certain place where they will tell you to catch certain fish to gain rewards.

Dojo rematches. The Dojo rematches are basically the hardmode version of fights in Temtem. Here you fight against opponents with the highest difficulty setting enabled. You need to really be prepared to win. 

There is also a PVP mode in Temtem which won't get boring anytime soon. There are many great possible combos that you can pull off against your opponents.

Housing is also a thing, you have access to your own home in Temtem. In your house you can add unique trophies and furniture to decorate your home. You can also hang out with friends in their houses.

Guilds have access to Dojo clubs. Guilds can compete against others to hold territory with tournaments happening throughout the week. 

Then there are also raids that you can complete with 3-5 players where you have to work your way through a dungeon. At the end of the dungeon there is a boss that you have to defeat. If you are successful you will get an egg of that boss.

And lastly, there is Saipark where different Temtem spawn each week with enhanced stats. Basically the "shiny" Pokemon.

Before we are done there is actually a seventh island called "Tamer's Paradise" made for endgame players that was added in the 1.9 release.

  • Archtamer Sanctum (Defeat 4 Powerful Characters)
  • DraftArena (Defeat stronger and stronger Characters)
  • GritArena (Like DraftArena but with your own Tems)
  • Evershifting Tower (Randomly generated tower)
  • TemSafari (Swarm mode)
  • DigiLair (2 Player Dungeon)
DigiLair Temtem
DigiLair Temtem

We hope you enjoyed this article about Temtem 1.0. For more information on Temtem please visit the TemTem Overview Page.