How to capture Temtem monsters. Catch Temtem monster basics
In todays article we are going to take a look at how to capture Temtem monsters. Temtem is a massively multiplayer online monster catcher game similar to Pokemon, but online.
Now you are probably wondering with what that you are going to capture Temtem? The device is called a Temcard.
Using Temcards in Temtem
A Temcard looks like the card below in the image. You get 8 of these at the beginning from the Professor. With these you can already capture Temtem in the tutorial area.
You will have to enter the Backpack during combat and select the Temcard to throw it against an uncaptured Temtem.

Temcard Tiers
At the beginning of the game you will get the basic Temcards. Later on once you advance through more of the game you will also find higher tier Temcards that increase your chance to actually capture a Temtem.
You also have a higher chance of success when you weaken the Temtem first before you attempt to capture it.

After you have captured a wild Temtem you will be able to see all its data in the Tempedia device. Now you can also see which Temtem techniques are stronger or weaker against this Temtem.