How does combat work in Temtem. Combat basics explained for Temtem
Temtem combat is a bit more complex than for example Pokemon handles it. The biggest difference is that you will always fight with two Temtem monsters instead of just 1 like in Pokemon.
This of course makes combat a lot more complex because you now have more different types of Temtem on the field which can attack each other and successfully pull off combos.
But lets get done with the basics first. After all you want to make sure to know the basics before you get into the more advanced stuff for Temtem.
Techniques in Temtem
Techniques are basically skills or abilities, whatever you like to call them. Each Temtem can have up to four different techniques. Each technique has its own damage, priority and effects. You can check additional information about the technique by pressing Z or using the right mouse click button.
To use a technique you will have to spend stamina. If you overspend stamina it will also drain some health along with it and your Temtem will be taking a break the next turn to regen stamina.

Some of the techniques only attack one target, but others attack the whole enemy team of 2 that are on the combat field.
When you capture a Temtem it will already have one or two techniques. By leveling the Temtem up you can learn additional techniques.

Understanding the combat rules in Temtem isn't really hard. The most tricky part later on is knowing which technique deals good damage against which type of Temtem. Especially challenging with two Temtem on each team.