After two years of waiting Cyberpunk 2077 is adding a Transmog/ Fashion system.
During a livestream on twitch CD Projekt Red announced that with Patch 1.6 Cyberpunk 2077 will be adding the long awaited Transmog System or Fashion System, whatever you want to call it. They also just announced a new Expansion called Phantom Liberty.
Now you finally won't have to look like a complete Jackass while traveling through the streets of Night City in Cyberpunk 2077.
The new Transmog System (Wardrobe) will let you completely adjust and change your outfit to your liking in your apartment. For cosmetic changes for example on your face you will still have to visit the mirror in your apartment.
How do you get new cloths? You can shop at stores throughout Night City for new cloths, they will be then added to your wardrobe.

Not only that, you can also change your face or body structure at the Ripperdoc from Patch 1.6 and going forward in Cyberpunk 2077.
They also added new cosmetics like new hair, new tattoos and more.

You can watch the whole twitch stream here.