What's the Difference Between the Lasgun Types in Darktide?
Lasguns are a staple weapon in Darktide, but you might not have noticed that there are three different types of them.
If you did notice, then there's a good chance you have no idea what the actual differences are between the types - they all look similar and have similar names too, so it can be a little bit confusing.
To try to clear this up, below are the three Lasgun types and how they differ from one another.

Kantrael MG Ia Infantry Lasgun
You could consider this to be the "basic" lasgun, and it is probably the first one you will use. This one is the more versatile variant of the weapon, as it has a balance between fire rate and damage per shot, making it the best option if you are trying to be an "all rounder" and not focus too much one one type of gameplay.
Kantrael MG IV Infantry Lasgun
This variant of the Lasgun is focused on having a high fire rate, but to counteract that it has less damage per shot. This makes the weapon good for dealing with large quantities of enemies, but you will need to reload more often and if you are not very accurate with your shots then you might not get great results using it.
Kantrael MG XII Infantry Lasgun
This is the third and final variant of the Darktide Lasgun. It's basically the opposite of the MG IV, having higher damage per shot but a lower firing speed. This makes it better for focusing accurate fire on high priority targets, such as specialized enemies or bosses.
While there may be small differences in how efficient each Lasgun variant is at taking down certain enemy types, your best bet (at least to begin with) is probably to try all three of them and see which one "feels" the most comfortable to use.
We hope you enjoyed this article about weapons in Warhammer 40,000: Darktide.