What is Carapace Armour in Darktide?

What is Carapace Armour in Darktide?

Andrew 1 year ago

If you have played as the Ogryn Skullbreaker class in Warhammer 40K: Darktide, then you might have noticed one of the talents, namely Bombs Away!, allows you to smash open your box of grenades by throwing it at an enemy with Carapace Armour. 

However, the game doesn't do a great job of explaining which enemies have Carapace Armour, so this article will address that. 

What is Carapace Armour?

Carapace Armour is the heaviest type of armour that enemies have in Darktide, in contrast to the lighter Flak armour. Carapace armour is harder to pierce and some attacks will do no damage at all when hitting carapace armour. 

There are currently only two enemies in the game that have this armour type - the Crusher and the Bulwark. These are the big armored Ogryns seen among the elite enemy ranks. The Crusher wields a big hammer and is encased in heavy armor, and the Bulwark is protected from the front by a  huge shield and armour, but is vulnerable to attacks from behind, where he has no armour. 

Crusher (left) and Bulwark (right) in Darktide
Crusher (left) and Bulwark (right) in Darktide

This makes the regularity at which you can activate the special grenade ability from Bombs Away! pretty low, and some players have already been calling for this ability to be reworked so that the Ogryn Skullbreaker can make better use of his grenade ability. 

We hope you enjoyed this article about Warhammer 40,000: Darktide