Warhammer 3 fans are pleased about the latest change in the 2.2.0 Update
Creative Assembly finally made a great change to Total War: Warhammer 3 that pleases the playerbase.
One of the main issues with Warhammer 3 is that there are a lot of minor settlement and that you end up fighting inside them a lot. And by a lot we mean pretty much every time. While fighting within minor settlements can be fun, the frequency of it wasn't ideal at all.
With the newest 2.2.0 Update this changes. The devs finally reduced the frequency of battles in settlements and garrisons. You can view the full patch notes here.
Settlement and Garrison Changes:
- All major settlements retain their walled settlement battles
- All minor settlements now trigger a land battle by default
- Added an effect that has a chance to turn the default land battle into an unwalled settlement battle
- Effect added to most standard garrison chains starting on Tier 2 and Tier 3.
Exceptions (same as before):
- Major settlements in Norscan and Ogre homeland still do not provide walled sieges, but will change to unwalled settlement battles.
- Wood Elf glades still do not provide walled sieges, but will change to their unwalled settlement battle version.
- Wood Elf outposts still do not provide walled sieges, but will change into their worldroot battle version.
- Beaastmen Herdstones still do not provide walled sieges but will change into their beastpath battle version.
Additional Changes:
- Added a unit of Reiksguard to Castle Reik and adjusted Reiksfort to 1 Reiksguard (instead of 2).
- Ogres had access to both garrison chains in minor and majors – now only one is correctly available.
Missing siege defence tower projectile upgrades added for:
- Kislev
- Ogres
- Nurgle
Heroes have been added to setlement garrisons from hero unlocking buildings:
- Khorne
- Tomb Kings
- Bretonnia Tier 3
- Cathay
- Daemon Prince
- Nurgle
- Ogre
- Slaanesh
- Drycha
Garrison Heroes also had missing spells added to them.
Units at all tiers for special settlement locations with 3-4 units of higher unit quality have been added to the following:
- Khemri
- Lahmia
- Black Ryramid
- Tor Ycresse
- Karak 8 Peaks
- Hellpit
- Gaean Vale
- Hexoatl
- Itza
- Karaz-a-Karak
- Lothern
- Naggaron
- Skavenblight
- Altdorf
- Drakenhof
- Couronne
- Wei Jin
These are all the changes to Settlement and Garrisons in Total War: Warhammer 3 in the 2.2.0 Update. Only time will tell how satisfying these changes are and whether they will please the community or not. We do think that this is at least a start and brings the game into the right direction.