Toxic Players are Already Getting Upset at Darktide Beginners

Toxic Players are Already Getting Upset at Darktide Beginners

Andrew 1 year ago

Darktide hasn't even properly released yet, with the pre-order beta not ending until Wednesday. And yet there are already stories emerging of people's experiences of toxic players giving others a miserable time because they aren't good at the game. 

A thread on the Darktide Reddit recently blew up, where players shared their complaints about this problem. 

One player recounted a game where a Zealot player was being quite patronizing in voice chat to the rest of the team, complaining that specials were not being killed and that nobody was doing the objective. 

Others also complained about max level players joining games on low difficulty and speedrunning through the level, often leaving team mates behind and sometimes also getting angry at the new players on the low difficulty setting for not being good enough at the game. 

I have to admit that personally I've already had a couple of similar experiences myself - just today a guy carrying a Grimoire ran away from the group while we were dealing with multiple specials, then promptly got himself killed and got annoyed that he lost the grimoire, of course blaming us for this. 

Weekly Contracts in Sire Melk's Requisitorium
Weekly Contracts in Sire Melk's Requisitorium

Perhaps a part of this problem can also be blamed on the design of the Weekly Contracts in Sire Melk's Requisitorium, a system that often encourages players to grind a large amount of games, making speedrunning low difficulty missions quite logical, albeit disruptive for the players who are already there just trying to learn and have fun.

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