The Unseen Darktide Weapons Revealed by a Bug in the Closed Beta

The Unseen Darktide Weapons Revealed by a Bug in the Closed Beta

Andrew 2 years ago

During Darktide's closed beta earlier in the month, we got to try out all four classes in a selection of four levels from the game, along with a limited array of weapons, with the rest not being in the game at that point in time. 

However, a handful of players apparently experienced a bug that let them see more than they were supposed to. 

The bug occurred in the Insignias menu, a part of the cosmetics selection. Insignias are special cosmetics that players will be able to earn by completing various achievements, some of them related to a specific weapon. 

For most players, the Insignias menu was simply blank, but some players had a glitch where they could see all of the insignias available in the game, which gave a lot of hints about the weapons that have yet to be revealed. 

One Reddit user experienced this glitch for themselves, and took the time to screenshot every single insignia, giving us all a peek at what's to come in terms of Darktide weapons. 

Riposte Insignia in Darktide
Riposte Insignia in Darktide

Going by the screenshots, some of the weapons that we can expect to see in the full version are:

  • Ogryn Bone'ead Shield
  • Ogryn Club
  • Cutlass
  • Chain Axe
  • Grenadier Gauntlet
  • Laspistol
  • Meltagun
  • Flamer
  • Plasmagun

We can't glean any more information from this right now, the screenshots basically just give us an icon of the weapons, but nothing about their names, stats or how they will play. But it does show us that there is indeed quite a lot more to come in the weapons department. 

However we don't have too long to wait - players who preorder Darktide will get access to a final pre-launch beta on November 17th. If you don't want to preorder, then the game will have its full release on November 30th. 

Big Guns Insignia in Darktide
Big Guns Insignia in Darktide

We hope you enjoyed this article about weapons in Warhammer 40,000: Darktide