How to level up fast in Darktide - Grind Guide 1-30 - FAST EXP

How to level up fast in Darktide - Grind Guide 1-30 - FAST EXP

Andrew 1 year ago

In Darktide it can take quite a while to level up your character, and this is going to be a bigger problem for you if you're planning to level up all of the available classes. 

This guide will share some tips for how you can optimize your leveling up and unlock your character's more powerful talents and weapons more quickly. 

Leveling Up Tips for Darktide

At the Mission Terminal, you will have a selection of different missions to choose from, at various difficulties. 

When you are just starting out, it's probably best that you play a few games on the lowest difficulty (Sedition) until you feel comfortable with the basic mechanics of the game. You get considerably less experience for a level if you lose the game, so the first consideration when trying to level up quickly should be to avoid this as much as possible. 

Once you feel comfortable on the first difficulty, we recommend ramping it up to tier 2 (Uprising). You will a little bit more XP from this difficulty (1800 instead of 1700) but more importantly you can find special conditions on these difficulties. 

Conditions (marked by icons on the mission) give you extra XP for completing them
Conditions (marked by icons on the mission) give you extra XP for completing them

Conditions are basically modifiers on the level that make it easier or harder. But you will always get bonus XP upon completing the level if there is a condition present, regardless of if its positive or negative. This means you can choose a Condition such as Fewer Hordes which will actually make the level quicker and easier, but you'll still get bonus XP for doing it. 

One more thing to look out for are Secondary Objectives. These will task you with collecting additional items in the level and carrying them to the end, such as Scriptures or Grimoires. You will get some bonus XP for each one you bring to the end, and an additional bonus reward if you find all of them. 

Secondary Objectives give a bit of bonus XP even if you just partially complete them
Secondary Objectives give a bit of bonus XP even if you just partially complete them

When you feel ready you can try difficulty 3 (Malice) if you want, but keep in mind that this is quite a bit harder than Uprising and considerably increases the likelihood of you failing the mission. These levels also tend to take quite a bit longer due to the increased density of tougher enemies, so playing on this difficulty is often detrimental to your XP gain. 

By keeping these factors in mind and strategically selecting missions on difficulty 2 with Secondary Objectives and Conditions, you can level up more quickly than if you just randomly selected levels of the difficulty that you want. 

We hope you found this Warhammer 40K: Darktide guide useful.