What happens if you put on the Whispering Mask in the Entrance Gallery of the Green Hag in Baldur's Gate 3?

What happens if you put on the Whispering Mask in the Entrance Gallery of the Green Hag in Baldur's Gate 3?

Alcast 1 year ago

After fighting against the Green Hag (Auntie Ethel) in her house, she will move towards her cave after dealing a certain amount of damage to her. 

Now you can chase her into a room with strange things happening. This is the Entrance Gallery room and you will also notice that there are four Whispering Masks on a table.

The Whispering Mask in Baldur's Gate 3
The Whispering Mask in Baldur's Gate 3

What happens if you equip the Whispering Mask in Baldur’s Gate 3?

To no surprise, putting the Whispering Mask on wasn’t a very wise idea, if you equipped the Whispering Mask on one of your characters he will now be a pawn of the Green Hag and attack you.

Once the mask is put on you hear: “Hello, petal. My, my - the mask suits you. Just Relax. See the world with fresh eyes. And let your dear old Auntie Ethal look after you.”

After that the effect “Hag's Pawn” will activate and you turn into an enemy of the group. The narrator says: “The stench of rot is a slap to the face. Suddenly she is there. Beside you. Behind you. INSIDE YOU!”

Auntie Ethel talks again: “Yes. I have you now, petal. Don’t worry. Auntie is going to take good care of you.”

Pawn of the Green Hag in Baldur's Gate 3
Pawn of the Green Hag in Baldur's Gate 3

What happens if you equip all four Whispering Masks in your group?

Game Over! If you equip the masks on every character the game will actually be over. Auntie Ethel defeated you, or to be more accurate, you defeated yourself.

Here is a quick video showcasing the whole thing in action.

We hope you enjoyed this article about Baldur's Gate 3.