W40K: Inquisitor finally gets an Ultimate Edition optimized for PS5 and Xbox Series X/S

W40K: Inquisitor finally gets an Ultimate Edition optimized for PS5 and Xbox Series X/S

Alcast 2 years ago

Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor Ultimate Edition is launching on Onctober 27, 2022. The Ultimate Edition gets enhanced features and includes all 25 previously released DLCs.

  • Native 4k support (4K on PS5 & XSX, 2K on XSS)
  • Higher resolution textures 
  • Improved destruction physics
  • Improved shadows
  • Cross-gen multiplayer & cross-progression
  • DualSense controller support on PlayStation 5 with Haptic feedback

A few things that were left out in the announcement but discussed on their Discord:

  • If you played previously, progression will be transferred to the Ultimate Edition
  • Upgrading from your old to the new Ultimate Edition is currently not available
  • New Playable class "Sororitas" coming at a later date to consoles

Also don't forget that the console version of Inquisitor lacks behind PC in terms of playable seasons. Console Season 4 will start soon, whereas PC is already on Season 5 (The Season Of Judgement).