The Six Classes of Dark and Darker
With the next playtest of Dark and Darker beginning on February 6th, you might have given some thought into the classes that the game has to offer, and more specifically which one you want to try out first.
There are currently six classes in Dark and Darker, and below we have listed them along with a summary of each one. For more information about the classes, please check out our Dark and Darker Classes page.
Fighter Class
The Fighter Class is a primarily melee class, however they can also use a Crossbow for ranged attacks. The fighter is intended to be well-rounded, able to handle and adapt to any situation, and they can also equip a shield to defend themselves.
The main weaknesses of the Fighter are that they are especially dependent on gear, meaning you might struggle at first, and they cannot cast any spells.

Wizard Class
The Wizard Class is, as you might expect, primarily a spell caster. Wizards may utilize arcane items such as a staff, a crystal ball or a magic wand to manipulate the battlefield in their favour, dealing magical damage to enemies with fireballs for example.
While they're good at dishing out damage from a distance, the Wizard player must be careful of getting too close to enemies, as they have lower HP than other classes and aren't very good at dealing physical damage with more conventional means.

Ranger Class
The Ranger class is a keen survivalist, excelling in the use of ranged weapons and able to spring traps to surprise and ambush their foes. In terms of weapons, while playing as a Ranger you'll spend much of your time using one of the selection of bows or crossbows that the class has at its disposal. You can also get a pavise shield, which gives you some protection while shooting.
While the Ranger can use a couple of melee weapons, such as the Rapier and the Arming Sword, they're not very good with them and won't do great damage, so you'll want to avoid melee when possible.

Barbarian Class
The Barbarian class is an ideal melee frontliner, able to wield large two-handed weapons to devastating effect. Their fury in battle gives them a greater tolerance to pain, allowing them to survive more punishment than other classes. They also have some innate resistance to magic which can help you to close down on enemy Wizards.
However, the heavy nature of the equipment that they tend to carry means that the movement and attack speed of the Barbarian suffers when compared to other classes. Overcoming this will likely be one of the main challenges you face while playing as a Barbarian.

Cleric Class
The Cleric Class is the closest thing that Dark and Darker has to a "Spellsword" archetype, able to make use of both conventional melee weapons and magical spells. However the Cleric spells are mostly themed around support, healing and buffing yourself and allies, rather than offensive spells for damaging enemies.
The Cleric tends to wear heavy armour, and can equip a shield to further defend themselves. They are especially skilled at using blunt weapons like the Flanged Mace, and also enjoy bonus damage when fighting against the Undead.
However these abilities come with some drawbacks - Clerics suffer from reduced attack and interaction speed, and reduced damage bonus compared to other classes.

Rogue Class
The Rogue Class is your classic stealth archetype, adept at sneaking around and catching enemies by surprise. Their choice of light weapons and armour offer them some considerable advantages over other classes, such as the ability to move around quickly and quietly, attack with greater speed and interact with objects more quickly. They can also pick locks without lockpicks, and detect and disable enemy traps. This can make it very useful to have a Rogue on your team, for looting treasure when you're out of lockpicks and to help you escape safely.
Naturally, the Rogue's choice of gear does also come with drawbacks - they suffer from low HP, low magic resistance and low damage bonus when compared to other classes.

For more information about the classes in Dark and Darker, including details about their Weapons and Armour, please check out our Dark and Darker Classes page.
We hope you enjoyed this article about the Dark and Darker Classes.