How to level up weapons fast in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2

How to level up weapons fast in Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2

Alcast 2 years ago

In this guide we are going to take a look at how to level up your weapons fast in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.

Leveling up weapons in MW2 can be a painful process, it takes quite a while. However, with this trick you will speed up the process of leveling up weapons in MW2 by quite a bit. 

Fast Weapon Leveling with Invasion Mode in MW2

The fastest way to level up weapons in Modern Warfare 2 is with the Invasion mode. Invasion is a new mode introduced in the game that lets you fight 20 vs 20 Players. In addition, each team also gets 20 NPCs that fight along your side. So it is basically a 40 vs 40 map. Think of it like a moba where you try to conquer different spots on the map and push back the enemy.

More enemies means more EXP for our weapons, of course you still need to land kills. But with such a high amount of enemies on the field that isn’t hard. The NPC enemies aren’t really smart, that means they are easy targets and kind of feed you experience. 

If you get defeated you immediately respawn. Sometimes they are cars or even mobile tank units in your base that you can pick up. Cars are great, you can drive with them into the enemy zone and camp in a building. Enemy NPCs will keep spawning and you can kill them one after another, giving you insane EXP boost for your weapon. 

Modern Warfare 2 Weapon Leveling
Modern Warfare 2 Weapon Leveling

The AI Enemies aren’t very smart in Invasion Mode Modern Warfare 2

Even with weaker weapons you won’t have trouble getting experience to level them up. When it’s your first Invasion game, observe your friendly NPCs. You will notice that their movement and combat abilities are very limited, aka they aren’t very smart. That is why they are so great to grind weapons with, they are a lot weaker than any real enemy player.